Excellence in Science, Technology & Christian Faith Ministry

The Kenneth E. McCall Recognition for “Excellence in Science, Technology and Christian Faith Ministry” in the Presbyterian Church (USA)n takes its place alongside the Association’s Daniel W. Martin “Science As Christian Vocation” Recognition.

Nominees will have demonstrated in their Christian life an explicit concern for and development of ways to engage the Presbyterian Church (USA) in attending to the significance of developments in science and technology as they relate to the worship, education, and mission of the church at the congregational level and beyond.

In considering nominees, the Board is looking particularly for two qualities. (1) Does the nominee demonstrate personal engagement with science, technology and the Christian faith, and (2) in what ways has she or he helped the PC(USA) at the congregational level or above, realize such engagement in its life and work.

Someone you know may be deserving of this recognition.

Click on the following to download more information and forms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Call for Nominations

Nomination Form


The recognition is named in honor of the late Reverend Dr. Kenneth E. McCall (1932-2013), who was instrumental in PASTCF’s origin and its founding president. In his life and work, trusting the God who makes all things new, Ken saw clearly how science and technology relate implicitly to the church’s whole life, faith, ministry, and witness.

Past awardees are listed here.
