Vocation and Ministry

The Presbyterian Association on Science, Technology and the Christian Faith believes God calls people to investigate how God’s created universe works. We believe God calls some to develop technologies based on scientific understandings of nature. We believe God calls others to advocate for science and technology as these bear on Christian faith and practice. We so believe because we profess, as do all Christians, that Jesus Christ is Lord of all aspects of life, in all times and places, and in our scientific and technological culture.


More recently we seek to recognize persons who, while not engaged in scientific or technological vocations, nonetheless help persons attend to the significance of scientific and technological developments as they relate to the worship, education, and mission of the church at the congregational level and beyond. So in 2018 PASTCF established the “Excellence in Science, Technology, and Christian Faith Ministry” recognition.

We urge members of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to nominate deserving individuals for these honors. Nominations may be submitted at any time and will be reviewed and acted upon by the Board in a timely fashion.


Today scientists and engineers are seldom recognized by the Church for their professions. Yet workers in science, engineering, and science education not only lead others to deeper understandings of the physical and biological universe, but also empower humankind in ways which transform Earth and the human community.

So in 1998 PASTCF inaugurated the “Science as Christian Vocation” recognition. It honors scientific and technological professionals whose lives demonstrate that scientific endeavor, science teaching, and technological development are all part of God’s calling, and part of their call to serve God’s people and the world through their professional work.


Click HERE to learn more about the “Science as Christian Vocation” recognition.

Click HERE to learn more about the “Excellence in Science, Technology, and Christian Faith Ministry” recognition.